Saturday, 24 March 2012

Birthdays & Little Sisters

For one of her teen birthdays, I remember my youngest sister and I gave our middle sister a framed saying that stated, "God made us sisters, We made us friends."    We're not overly religious but I thought it was cute at the time.  My middle sister, who is not emotional at all, immediately burst into tears and called us mean.

I'm thinking about that birthday while we're having the surprise 9th birthday party for Norah today. We're constantly telling our daughters that they are each other's best friend.  They will go through many friends in life but their sister is always going to be there for them.  Hmmm.. Sounds like solid advice.  Now... take a look at the pictures below and specifically the person in the background.   Yep, Tornado from my earlier post. Would you really want to be friends with this person?!?     


She is usually pretty hyper, but I think she has eaten way too much sugar tonight or else she thought the theme of the evening was, "How to be the most annoying sister ever."   I almost deleted all the pictures she partook in against my wishes.  You can tell how pleased Norah is just by looking at the photo.  Good times. I then thought that maybe I should save a few of them and show her a few years down the road.  She can see how much her sister had to tolerate.  I think if she does get a similar plaque like we gave our sister it won't be for a LONG, LONG time.  

And it's not even bedtime yet.  

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