Thursday, 26 April 2012


My children live in a bubble.   They believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa, The Easter Bunny, and Leprechauns that prance through the house St. Patrick's Eve leaving coins and candy. Of course, after they have successfully freed themselves of the booby traps that the children have set.  The cardboard box traps are like 5 star hotels.  They tried to entice the leprechauns to stay once caught with barbie furniture, flooring, and jewelery as lures. Although, I think it would take a pretty "special" leprechaun to get caught in one.  I think Trouble even cut a door into hers.  I can't think of an easier escape route than that!

 They are so innocent, or so I thought.  My 9 year old and I were talking about swear words this week.  She declared that people at school told her S-T-U-P-I-D is not a swear word.  WHAT? SINCE WHEN!?  Okay. I don't want her looking like the village idiot at school so we had a discussion about it isn't a nice word and in our house it is not to be used as it is like a swear word.  (Oops! I forgot I-D-I-O-T is a swear in our house too.)

She then pipes up that she know a few more swear words.  Who is this kid hanging around!!?!?  She states she knows the "F" word.   Ok.  I'm not really surprised. I figured sooner or later she would learn that one at school.  It's not as if I can send her with earmuffs to wear on the playground just so she doesn't hear bad words. Then she states that she knows the "C" word.  ACK!  Shut the front door!  Who the heck would have taught her the "C" word in grade 3??!!?!?!  I'm ready to visit her school and have a chat with her teacher to find out what is going on when Trouble pipes up, "OH, you mean CRAP!"   Phew. Maybe they are still a little more innocent than I thought.

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