Wednesday, 2 May 2012


I took the boys grocery shopping today.  We didn't need much so I thought we'd be quick. They boys haven't been grocery shopping in a while as Jeff usually does it. Alone. Now I remember why..

They are sooooo fast!  Initially, they were trying to be helpful.  One grabbed bananas so the other would grab bananas.  How many bananas do you need?   All of a sudden it seemed like they were grabbing random things off the shelves and putting them in our cart.  It was like a whirlwind around me.   Our 2 year old even put a head of cauliflower is some unsuspecting elderly lady's cart.  Luckily, we both saw immediately or else she would have had a surprise at the checkout!  (and probably wondered if she was going crazy)

I was putting things back where they came from as fast as I could catch them.  I didn't catch everything.  Finally, almost an hour later we got to the till. I gave the cashier 1 package of freezies and 1 extra box of crackers.  I still managed to come home with the items below that I did not put in the cart.

1 box of Hot Wheels Sugar Water.  I don't think there is any juice in it at all.
1 overripe tomato.
1 whole orange in okay condition.
1 head of cauliflower which had been in the elderly lady's cart.  I felt bad for it and figured we'd use it at least.
1 box of Mario Gummies which I swear I took out of the cart. They somehow made their way back onto the conveyor belt unbeknownst to me.

I forgot to mention the dancing at the till.   I'm glad they had fun. Myself, I would consider it a sanity workout.

I'm hoping not to have to do it again anytime soon.

So beware of little boys around your grocery cart.  You may end up with items you didn't intend on purchasing!

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